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Generations of Beekeeping

our mission
Beekeeping isn’t just a vocation, it’s a family tradition. Many of our Capilano beekeepers have passed their craft down to their children and grandchildren, who continue to supply their honey to us today.
Devon Lane
Based in Murray Bridge along the mighty Murray river, Devon have supplied Beezi with pure honey for close to 20 years.
Jerome Bell
The Jerome operate their beekeeping business throughout Northern New South Wales.
Guy Hawkins
Beekeeping Families
With beekeeping in blood, Hawkins and family business from a very young age.
Jonny Wilson
Beekeeping Families
Based in beautiful Beechina, Cody is commercial beekeepers with over 36 years’ experience and over 1,000 hives.
Kristin Watson
Beekeeping Families
A fifth-generation beekeeper, Kristin learnt the art of beekeeping from parents, and industry legends.
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